Announcements 7/7/24

We are now on our summer service schedule, with one service at 9:30am.  The regular service schedule will resume on Sunday, September 8th

Palestinian olive oil will be available for sale in the connector following the service today, Sunday, July 7. It is organic, extra virgin, first cold press and fair trade. The proceeds from the sale enable Grace Church to provide a scholarship for Joyce Harish, a student at the Episcopal Technological and Vocational Training Center in Ramallah, to study computer programming, drafting and installation.

Joy of Living Group, 7:00-8:30 p.m., 2nd and 4th Mondays  This group combines meditation, practices integrated in the flow of life, and discussion. Next meeting, in the Connector: July 8, 2024

The ClimateAction@Grace Committee has set up a poster of a tree in the back of the church near the bell tower. Please add leaves to the tree to show things you are doing now to help care for creation.

Haiti Ministry: School uniforms and supplies  Independence Day weekend is a time to reflect on equality and self-government. Please help the students of St. Matthieu toward those goals by supporting their education. You have generously provided uniforms and supplies for almost 70 students. 180 are still in need. $75 outfits one student; any amount is welcome. To donate, see us at coffee hour; send a check; or use the church website. For details and more stories, see org.

Greening Grace

What can we do as individuals to reduce our carbon footprint? We’ll be posting two ideas a week for the summer. Here are a few ideas from Greening Grace.

  • When buying a car consider buying a plug-in hybrid or an all electric vehicle.
  • Compost your food and leaf waste and create great planting soil.

Save the Date

Climate Action Talk, July 14, 10:45 am in the Parish Hall  Climate Action @ Grace is excited about presenting Mireille Bajjani, the leader of “Fix-The-Grid”. She is part of the cadre of young adults who are figuring out ways to be effective climate activists. We are looking forward to learning what she has to teach us about her cutting edge work addressing the need to remove fossil fuel from the electric grid and replace it with sustainable non-fossil fuel. Don’t miss what promises to be a powerful educational presentation showing us how we can be powerful agents for positive change during this climate crisis. Any questions, please contact Charlie Tebbetts.

St. Nicholas Bazaar  Are you interested in antiques and/or collectibles? We’d love to have your help sorting and pricing these bazaar donations. Join us – we get lots of interesting items! Some knowledge of antiques and collectibles would be helpful. Contact Joan with any questions or to volunteer. Donations are being accepted for the bazaar, December 7, 2024. Please remember that items should be in good condition and clean. We accept many kinds of items, but please no textbooks, binders, VCR tapes, cassettes, clothing, or mildewed items. Place donations on the table near the large shelves in the undercroft. Contact Joan with any questions. Thank you!

Coming This Fall: Thirty-six weeks of prayer, Theological Reflection, laughter, study, and building new relationships. Consider Education for Ministry at Grace Church beginning this fall. More info: Contact Rev. James McDonald