Announcements 9/22/24

Climate Action at Grace (CAAG) invites you to an inspiring presentation during Creation Season: September 22, in the Parish Hall (with light treats).  September 22nd, our own parishioner Marianne Connor will lead a workshop on finding our calling in caring for Creation. Where does our deep joy meet the world’s deep need? Marianne Connor is the Lead in the Education Domain at the Sirius Ecovillage and Education Center, where she is developing a Bioregional Learning Center for regenerative education. She serves on the Organizing Circle of the Connecticut River Valley Bioregioning Collaborative, which connects and supports individuals and organizations doing regenerative work. Marianne will offer some ways to engage individually and collectively so all life thrives.

Joy of Living Group, 7:00-8:30 p.m., 2nd and 4th Mondays  This group combines meditation, practices integrated in the flow of life, and discussion. Next meeting, in the Connector: September 23, 2024

Fourth Sunday Collection, September 22  The Outreach Commission has decided Grace Church’s 4th Sunday offering will go to the American Friends of the Episcopal Diocese of Jerusalem, earmarked for the Al-Ahli Arab Anglican Hospital, which runs the only free community clinic in Gaza. Despite damage and enforced closures over the past year, it is once again open. The hospital is providing desperately needed medical treatment and support for the people of Gaza, with a particular emphasis on treatment programs for children with acute injuries and chronic conditions. The Diocese of Jerusalem remains committed to its ministry of healing and reconciliation, and ensuring the Ahli Arab Hospital remains a beacon of hope in Gaza and beyond. If you write a check, please make it payable to Grace Church and add “outreach” on the memo line. Thank you for any gift you are able to give.

One 9:30 service & St. Michael’s Picnic, Sunday, September 29th  There will be one service at 9:30 followed by the Saint Michael’s Picnic. All are invited and encouraged to attend. Brother Lawrence Guild supplies hamburgers, hotdogs, rolls, condiments, & drinks. If you are able, please bring a side dish, salad, or a dessert. Weather permitting, there will be some seating outside in the Garth. Please join us!

No Sunday School Sept. 29 – join us today for Jr. Choir/Sunday School 9:15-10:15 a.m. in the Parke House
There will be no Sunday School next Sunday because of the 9:30 service, but please join us today!
Children and youth are invited to participate in our multi-age Sunday School program which, this year, is focusing on singing together as a way of learning about faith. Please contact Megan for more information. All are encouraged to save the date of Nov. 10th, when Jr. Choir will sing at the 10:30 a.m. service.

Coffee hour help needed!  The 8 a.m. coffee hour is looking for a couple of willing baristas to fill in once a month this Fall and keep the coffee hour perking along reliably. If you can help out or want more information, email Betsy Mathews or speak with the clergy.

Season of Creation prayers
Churches across the world and of various traditions are celebrating Season of Creation this month. The season highlights how our faith might shape our relationship with all God’s creation. A special collect and blessing will be used throughout the month in recognition of this season.

Publicity for your Event?   Now that the Fall calendar has come out, please let the Communications Committee know if you need help with your event. Please fill out this form:, also located on the “Outreach” page of the church website.  The committee requests at least 6 weeks notice.  Please forward questions to Patrick Kelly or Sarah Chadwick.

Save the Date

Young Adult Board Game Meet-up Tree House Brewing, Sept. 28th  Grace is a participant in the Young Adult Ministry Network (YAMN) which holds events for young adults across our region ages 18-40. Please join us for our first board game meet-up of the fall at Tree House Brewing in Deerfield. Pizza and board games provided. Tree House also has non-alcoholic beverages available; attendees under 21 welcome. Please contact Megan for more info or a ride.

Adult Confirmation Class, Wednesdays October 2nd, 9th, 16th, and 23rd, 6:30 – 8:00pm via Zoom  Bishop Doug Fisher will visit Grace Church on Sunday, October 27th. In preparation for this occasion, there will be a 4 week course offered for anyone who is interested in being confirmed or received into the Episcopal Church. Confirmation is for anyone who desires to make a mature affirmation of one’s beliefs in the presence of a bishop. Reception is for anyone who has been confirmed in another tradition but who now desires to be received into the Episcopal Church. Explore the mystery of God and discuss Episcopal Beliefs and Practices. This course is open to all. Share your beliefs, thoughts, concerns, and even doubts. There are no questions that cannot be asked. This course will be led by Tom and Megan. For further information, please call the church office at 256-6754. The Zoom invitation will be shared by email closer to the start of the program.

Youth group lunch, Oct. 6th, after 10:30 a.m. service
Youth in grades 6-12 are invited to join together for lunch (covered by Grace Church!), conversation, and board games after the 10:30 service on October 6th. Please RSVP to Megan at and plan on meeting in the Connector. Pick up is at 1:30 p.m.

Grace Gardens clean up and planting, October 14th from 9 a.m. to 12 noon
Everyone is welcome. We will have all the necessary tools; we just need the enthusiasm. If you have questions, please email Sara Liberty Laylin.

Diocesan Retreat for Young Adults Ages 18-40, Nov. 15th-17th , Registration Due Soon
The Young Adult Ministry Network’s annual fall retreat is taking place at the Barbara Harris Camp in New Hampshire Nov. 15th-17th. Join us for a time of spiritual refreshment and building community! Registration is due by October 7th, and scholarships and carpooling are available. See or contact Megan for info.