Announcements 11/24/24

Fourth Sunday Collection, Nov. 24  Grace Church’s 4th Sunday offering will go to Human to Human. Human to Human is a ministry of the Episcopal Diocese of Western Massachusetts committed to resourcing emerging frontline ministries within and beyond the walls of our churches. Among the programs Human to Human supports are those that help veterans, provide supplies and entertainment at local laundromats, do outreach to women in area correctional centers, and support and educate young parents in need. If you write a check, please make it payable to Grace Church and add “outreach” on the memo line. Thank you for any gift you are able to give.

Annual Feast of Grace! Sunday, Nov. 24th 12 noon  The Annual In-gathering will occur today at both services. Pledge cards will be received at the altar following Communion. Our tradition of a pot-luck luncheon will immediately follow the 10:30 service, today Nov. 24th. If possible, please bring the following food based on your last name as follows: A-F (cold Appetizer); G-L (cold soup or salad); M-S (casserole/main dish) and T-Z (dessert). Whatever you can provide is greatly appreciated. Food can be dropped off in the Parish Hall prior to the 8 AM and 10:30 services. We look forward to seeing everyone there!!

Youth group this Sunday after Feast of Grace  Following the Feast of Grace, youth in grades 6-12 are invited for a board game gathering in the Fireplace Room until 2 p.m.! Come join us after finishing your lunch. Contact Megan with any questions.

The Stewardship campaign is underway with the mailing of pledge materials, which you should have received. Please read these materials carefully and prayerfully reflect on your contribution. If you have not receive the mailing, copies are on the table at the entry to the church. We need the participation of all members if we are to maintain our programs, meet unexpected expenditures and continue to provide support for others in our community. The annual In-gathering is today, Nov. 24th at both services. Please bring your pledge card then as they will be received at the altar during the service. 

Thanksgiving Collection for the Amherst Survival Center – We Did It!  This week, we met out goal. 522 packages of bread stuffing were collected for the Thanksgiving distribution at the Survival Center. Amazing Grace! Thank you for your help.

Get into the Spirit this Holiday Season: Come to an Advent Supper

  • Dec. 2 Thurs. Dec. 5
  • Dec. 10 Fri. Dec. 13
  • Dec. 16 Wed. Dec. 18

For the season of Advent, a number of parishioners have agreed to host potluck suppers in their homes as an opportunity for people to connect with one another in small groups. The suppers will start around 6 p.m. A different household hosts each dinner. Please notify Terrie by phone call to the parish office about which evenings you’d be interested in attending. We cannot guarantee everyone will be able to attend every potluck supper, but we will plan that everyone gets to participate in at least one supper during the season. The host for your Advent supper will reach out directly to you with more information on what would be helpful to bring and directions to their home. The deadline for signing up is Monday, November 25th.

Joy of Living Group, 7:00-8:30 p.m., 2nd and 4th Mondays  This group combines meditation, practices integrated in the flow of life, and discussion. Next meeting, in the Connector: November 25, 2024

Amherst/Hadley area Thanksgiving Interfaith Service  Tuesday, November 26th at 7:00 pm, Grace Church, Amherst, MA 01002

Our Thanksgiving Service will be Thanksgiving Day, November 28th, at 10:00 am.

Messiah Sing-along, Sunday, December 1 at 4:00 pm.  Come join us for a sing-along of Handel’s Messiah in the Grace Church sanctuary. Sing the choruses along with the orchestra and soloists who will participate in this festive occasion. Last year, this event filled the church and was very joyous. We will provide scores if you need one and want to sing, or simply come and listen to all of the glorious music. Cash or check donations will benefit the Sidney F. Smith Toy Fund of the Daily Hampshire Gazette.

Coffee hour help needed!  The 8 a.m. coffee hour is looking for a couple of willing baristas to fill in once a month this Fall and keep the coffee hour perking along reliably. If you can help out or want more information, email Betsy Mathewsor speak with the clergy.

Publicity for your Event?   Please let the Communications Committee know if you need help with your event. Please fill out this form:, also located on the “Outreach” page of the church website.  The committee requests at least 6 weeks notice.  Please forward questions to Patrick Kelly or Sarah Chadwick.

The Pastoral Care Commission  The Pastoral Care Commission is looking for volunteers to help our fellow Grace family. This might include sending cards, calling or emailing those needing support, or helping coordinate any of these activities. We meet once a month, but monthly attendance is not a requirement. If you feel called to help out with this ministry, please contact Gail Gnatek.

Counters Needed  The finance committee is looking for a few people to help count the Sunday offering after the final service each week. The commitment is 15 minutes every 4-6 weeks, and you will be with another trained counter. If you are interested or have questions, please contact Tim Hampson at 413-695-5660.

Color Pattern Life Show at Oxbow, Gary and Dee Dee Niswonger Prints, Paintings and Quilts, a celebration of 60+ years of making life and art together.  The show is at The Oxbow Gallery, 40 Cottage Street, Easthampton MA from October 31-December 1, 2024.

Save the Date

No Sunday School/Jr. Choir on Sunday Dec. 1st  There will be no Sunday School or Jr. Choir programming next Sunday, Dec. 1st, while Megan is away. We look forward to seeing you for pageant preparations beginning Dec. 8th!

Clothing Drive Beginning December 1st  Ascentria Refugee Services for New Americans has asked Grace Church to help with a clothing drive. They are looking for warm winter clothes for people of all ages! This drive hopes to gather new or lightly used coats, blankets, scarves, hats, and gloves for refugees moving into Western Massachusetts. All supplies will be directly distributed to families who can’t afford clothes for the coming winter. A shopping cart will be placed in the back of the church for those who can donate.  You can bring items with you to church on Sunday or drop them off during the week during regular business hours.  Ascentria Refugee Services For New Americans provides legal, housing, and language support to new Americans across New England. Thank you for your generosity, and if there are items you wish to donate other than what is listed or would like to become more involved, please reach out to If you wish to learn more about Ascentria and the work they do, please check their website at

The Bazaar is 2 weeks away on Dec. 7!  Here’s how to help

  • Sign up! – sign-up sheets are in the Connector. We need help with set-up Thursday and Friday (Dec. 5 & 6), and sales and clean-up Saturday Dec. 7. Please indicate times you are available. Many hands make light work!
  • Lawn signs and flyers! – also in the Connector – please take and distribute around town!

 The Gifts from Grace Table at the St. Nicholas Bazaar welcomes and needs your creations. Donations of your art and handmade crafts of all kinds are needed for the December 7 event.  Any questions – please contact Gillian Duda at 413-253-7626

Please hold all other donations for next year’s bazaar.

Divine Delights at the St. Nicholas Bazaar  Your contributions are needed:

  • Cookies!! Any kind, especially “Christmassy” ones!
  • Lemon squares
  • Brownies
  • Shortbread
  • Any kind of sweet bars
  • Small loaves of bread or cake (individually wrapped)

 Any quantity is welcome – it all adds up! Please bring cookies and bars in a single container (not pre-packaged) and include a list of ingredients and your name. Leave squares, brownies, etc. uncut in pans. Bring donations to the Parish Hall on Friday, Dec. 6. (“day of” goodies by 8:30, please!)

 Thank you for all your support!  Contact Joan with questions.

Advent: Prepare, Hope, and Action Sundays, Dec. 8, 15, and 22 9:15 a.m. in the Fireplace Room  Advent is a Christian season of preparation and anticipation that takes place in the four Sundays and weekdays leading up to Christmas.  Be with us the final three Sundays of this season as we explore the following questions for Advent:

  • Sunday, December 8th: What are you preparing for?
  • Sunday, December 15th: What are you hoping for?
  • Sunday: December 22nd: What are you ready to do?

Please consider joining us. Reach out to Tom with any questions.

Christmas pageant – please email Megan about roles!  Children and youth are invited to help tell the Christmas story through our annual pageant, held Christmas Eve at 4 p.m. There are a variety of roles and ways to be involved, whether your child is ready to sing solo or prefers blending in with the crowd! Rehearsals will be Sundays December 8th, 15th, and 22nd in the parish hall from 9:15-10:15 a.m., with a dress rehearsal prior to the service on the 24th (time to be announced). Participants do not have to make all rehearsal, and out of town guests are welcome to join the day of the pageant! Please email Megan if you think your child(ren) will participate and with any preferences they might have about role.

A Service of Advent Lessons & Carols, Sunday, December 15th at 4:00 pm  One of the loveliest services of the church year, it is comprised of scripture readings interspersed with a variety of choral anthems and hymns, modeled after the traditional Anglican format. All are most welcome – we hope to see you there!

Adopt-A-Family For Christmas  Thank you so much to those who have already adopted a family. There are still 24 families (57 children) to be adopted! Feel free to invite friends or neighbours who might like to be included. If you do not want to shop but would like to be a part of this, money is always welcome. Make out a check to Grace Church with “Adopt a Family” in the memo line. I will find shoppers! As always so many thanks to Grace Church. Mary Hocken 413-537-0251.