Announcements 12/5/21

The sale of Palestinian olive oil has been postponed to Sunday, December 19, as the Episcopal Peace Fellowship would like the bishop’s visit, baptisms and confirmations to be everyone’s focus today.  On the 19th we will also have a Christmas card available for signing for Teya Awad, the Palestinian student for whom we provide a scholarship through these sales.  Teya is studying hospitality and culinary arts at the ETVTC (Episcopal Technological and Vocational Training Center) in Ramallah.  She is Palestinian Christian.

Space for Your Spirit: A Weekly Advent Gathering, Wednesdays, Dec. 8th, Dec. 15th, Dec. 22, 6:30-7:00 p.m. in the Chapel
During Advent, Grace will host a short, half-hour gathering in the chapel each Wednesday evening. The service will begin and end with Taizé chant, or other short and simple a capella music, as well as a reading of Scripture, but the majority of the time will be your own. You can take advantage of provided exercises and materials to guide you into creative or contemplative engagement with the week’s Bible story or the themes of the Advent season; or you can just simply be with God and yourself through silent prayer, letting the background music wash over you, journaling, etc.Please consider joining us. Reach out to Megan ( with any questions.

Rethink Christmas and contribute to our Community Board in the Connector!
Throughout the month of December, you will find a bulletin board in the Connector around the theme of reimaging Christmas. You are invited to add to and reflect on it before or after the service. The board will have questions related to Christmas, Creation Care, and Consumerism. You are welcome to answer its questions with the provided index cards or bring in a photo or picture that speaks to these important issues. (Please only bring a print-out or a copy of a photo you have – something you’d feel comfortable not having returned.) We plan to have other themed, interactive bulletin boards in the future to provide a unique way of coming together as a community; we thank Patty Appelbaum for the bulletin board idea!

Vestry Nomination Forms are available in the back of the church.

Climate Action @ Grace meets Sunday, Dec. 12 at 9:30 a.m. in the Fireplace Room in the Parke House.

A Service of Advent Lessons & Carols, Sunday, December 12th at 4:00 pm, One of the loveliest services of the church year, it is comprised of scripture readings interspersed with a variety of choral anthems and hymns, modeled after the traditional Anglican format. All are most welcome – we hope to see you there!


Christmas Pageant: We’re beginning preparation for the Christmas pageant – which takes place at the 4:00 p.m. service on Christmas Eve. All children and young people are welcome to participate! We’re currently gathering a list of participating children/youth. Please let Megan and Kate Atkinson ( and know if your child will be joining in & if they have any preferred roles. Info on rehearsal times coming soon.

Adopt-A-Family For Christmas: 34 families have been adopted! So many thanks to everyone who has participated. We just need 6 more families to be adopted – three with 3 children in each and three families with 1 child in each. Gifts can be delivered to the undercroft any Sunday from now on. The deadline is Dec 19th.  Are there some shoppers out there?! Many parishioners have given money instead of shopping for a family so you will be reimbursed. please contact me at 413-537-0251 or