Announcements 3/2/25

Today’s Coffee Hour will have a Shrove/Mardi Gras theme. Please enjoy some pancakes as we prepare ourselves for Lent.

Palestinian olive oil will be available for sale in the connector following the services today, Sunday, March 2.  It is organic, extra virgin, first cold press and fair trade. The proceeds from the sale enable Grace Church to provide a scholarship for Joyce Harish, a student at the Episcopal Technological and Vocational Training Center in Ramallah, to study computer programming, drafting and installation.

Bishop Search Input, Sunday March 2nd, 9:15am in The Connector and 12 noon in the Parker Room  Please join fellow-parishioner Caleb Ireland, who is a member of the Bishop Search Committee in the Connector following the 8am service or in the Parker Room following the 10:30am service. Caleb is interested in gathering perspectives from Grace parishioners for the bishop search.  Please come and share your thoughts, suggestions, and ideas.  This is a great opportunity to help shape the direction of the search.

From the Bishop Search Committee: Online Survey Now Available  The Bishop Search Committee has created a survey for anyone who is unable to participate in one of the scheduled in-person or Zoom listening sessions. You can find the link to the survey here: Please note that submissions will not be accepted after Sunday, March 2nd, 2025. We ask that you contact Caleb Ireland, Co-Chair of the Listening Subcommittee, if you have any technical difficulties or questions as you complete the survey.


Ash Wednesday Services

Holy Communion and the Imposition of Ashes

March 5, 2025

8:00am, 12:10pm, 5:00pm (Chapel Taize service), & 7:00pm

Daylight Savings Reminder! The clocks need to be moved forward one hour Saturday evening March 9th!

Lenten Book Series: The Rt. Rev. Mariann Budde’s How We Learn to be Brave – Decisive Moments in Life and Faith, Sundays at 9:15am March 9th – April 6th  The decisive moments in life are those pivot points when we’re called on to push past our fears and act with strength. With How We Learn to Be Brave, Bishop Mariann Budde teaches us to respond with clarity and grace even in the toughest times. Being brave is not a singular occurrence; it’s a journey that we can choose to undertake every day.  Here, Bishop Budde explores the full range of decisive moments, from the most visible and dramatic (the decision to go), to the internal and personal (the decision to stay), to brave choices made with an eye toward the future (the decision to start), those born of suffering (the decision to accept that which we did not choose), and those that come unexpectedly (the decision to step up to the plate). Drawing on examples ranging from Harry Potter to the Gospel According to Luke, she seamlessly weaves together personal experiences with stories from scripture, history, and pop culture to underscore both the universality of these moments and the particular call each one of us must heed when they arrive. We have 4 copies of the book.  If you would like to purchase one, please contact the church office.

Imagining the Undercroft  As you may know, we are in the process of looking at what activities might be accommodated in the Undercroft if it were upgraded to a finished space. In addition to meeting with the groups that are presently occupying the space, we’re also looking to all of you for suggestions of other uses you feel would be beneficial to Grace and presently don’t have a home…There is a suggestion box in the Connector for you to use to pass on your thoughts or feel free to contact John Robinson. We look forward to your suggestions.

The Envelope, please…   No, not the Academy Awards, but a special one-time plea from the Haiti Ministry for a Lenten devotion.  Come to coffee hour after the 10:30 service on March 9, to learn how the envelopes we all choose can create a new classroom at “our” school in Haiti, Saint Matthieu.  Four individuals from Grace who have traveled to Bayonnais in the past-– Tom Synan, Meg Holladay, Annie Scarff and Mark Peterman–will reflect briefly on how that experience touched their hearts.  Save the dates for other speakers at coffee hours on March 23 and April 6.

Climate Action at Grace (CAAG) is excited to welcome Geoffrey Hudson and Alisa Pearson to our next meeting  Sunday, March 9, 12:15 in the sanctuary.  Geoff will teach us a simple song, easy to sing, that he has composed to support ringing of bells for the climate!   We can try it out two days later on March 11 after our monthly 11 am bell-ringing.  No special skills needed, just interest.  Open to all.

Are you interested in being baptized, or know someone who is?   Along with Holy Communion, Holy Baptism is one of the two great sacraments given by Christ to the Church. We acknowledge one Baptism, which means Baptism in the name of the Trinity is performed once in a person’s life and is recognized regardless of where or how it took place.  If you have not been baptized or you are not sure whether you were baptized, and would like to know more, please contact the church office or one of the clergy. We would be happy to speak with you about this holy sacrament.

Clothing Drive  Ascentria Refugee Services for New Americans has asked Grace Church to help with a clothing drive. They are looking for seasonal clothes for refugees moving into Western Massachusetts. Ascentria especially wants clothing for children, from birth to primary school age. A shopping cart will be placed in the back of the church for those who can donate.  You can bring items with you to church on Sunday or drop them off during the week during regular business hours. Ascentria Refugee Services For New Americans provides legal, housing, and language support to new Americans across New England. Thank you for your generosity, and if there are items you wish to donate other than what is listed or would like to become more involved, please reach out to If you wish to learn more about Ascentria and the work they do, please check their website at

The Grace Church Stewardship campaign for 2025  To date 139 pledges have come in totaling $506,490 – most encouraging, we have 7 new pledges.  We are off to a good start.  To those who have pledged God Bless, to those who have yet to pledge please pray and pledge so our Vestry can budget for 2025.  If you need a pledge card, they are available as you enter the church or you can contact the office (413) 256-6754 or Bruce Stebbins at (413) 530-3805.

Coffee hour help needed!  The 8 a.m. coffee hour is looking for a couple of willing baristas to fill in once a month this Fall and keep the coffee hour perking along reliably. If you can help out or want more information, email Betsy Mathews or speak with the clergy.

Coffee hour is a lovely event after the 10:30 service.  The hospitality committee keeps a small supply of treats on hand but this often is not enough for everyone. Prior to Covid, the most delicious treats were shared by parishioners. Won’t you please kindly share a treat from your kitchen or something you purchase? Cookies, coffee cakes, and most anything else is gratefully welcomed. Thank you for your consideration. Please contact Sarah Chadwick with any questions.

Publicity for your Event?   Please let the Communications Committee know if you need help with your event.  Please fill out this form:, also located on the “Outreach” page of the church website.  The committee requests at least 6 weeks notice.  Please forward questions to Patrick Kelly or Sarah Chadwick.

The Pastoral Care Commission The Pastoral Care Commission is looking for volunteers to help our fellow Grace family. This might include sending cards, calling or emailing those needing support, or helping coordinate any of these activities. We meet once a month, but monthly attendance is not a requirement. If you feel called to help out with this ministry, please contact Gail Gnatek.

Calendar Donations  Please bring extra 2025 calendars to the food basket for the Survival Center.

Save the Date

Joy of Living Group, 7:00-8:30 p.m., 2nd and 4th Mondays  This group combines meditation, practices integrated in the flow of life, and discussion. Next meeting, in the Connector: March 10, 2025