If you are interested in being baptized this Easter season, or know someone who is, please contact the church office or the Rector. We would be happy to speak with you about this holy sacrament.
New members welcome: The Haiti Ministry welcomes new participants any time. If you’d like to visit and observe first, that’s fine, too. Contact co-chairs Sandy Muspratt or Bonnie Vigeland, or any member of the ministry.
May Community Conversation Board – This month, our discussion topic is Mysticism May. During the month of May, the Episcopal Church’s feast day calendar celebrates a number of mystics, including Julian of Norwich, Mechthild of Madgeburg, Johann Arndt, and Jacob Boehme. Stop by the board for some quotes from mystics to reflect on and respond to, and to share your thoughts on how, if at all, the idea of mysticism speaks to your spiritual life.
Bellringers for the 10:30 service We are reconstituting the bellringers – a band of parishioners who ring the tower bell at certain times during the consecration at the 10:30 service. If you are interested in learning how to do this, email Nancy Lowry (saunteringdog@gmail.com), talk with Tom or Megan, or drop a message to the Grace Church office.
Thank you from the Haiti Ministry! Pere Walin’s visit was rich and informative. We are looking forward to continuing this relationship. Our gratitude goes to all who helped make the visit a success: clergy, hosts, tour guides, listeners and inquirers, supporters, and all who welcomed him.
Save the Date
Outreach Offering – May 22, 2022. The fourth Sunday offering will go to the Navajoland Episcopal Area Mission. St. Christopher’s Mission, built in 1943, is at the northern edge of the 27,000 square mile Navajo nation in Arizona, New Mexico, and Utah. “We are responding to the needs of a post-pandemic world where the consequences of food scarcity have become harder to ignore…and where families have fallen deeper into the cycle of substance abuse, domestic violence, and homelessness.” St. Christopher’s has served as the staging ground for providing fresh produce, milk and eggs to over 120 families a month. The current plan is to build a cluster of seven “tiny houses” which, at the outset, will house one homeless mother and child. (Living room, bedroom, bath, and kitchenette.) “Over time, as these young families find permanent homes, the tiny houses will become lodging for pilgrims.” And St. Christopher’s will offer retreats for people from afar to learn about Navajo spirituality, culture and traditions. The “tiny” houses cost $15,000 each to build and an additional $2,800 each to furnish. Every gift, tiny or large, is most welcome. Thank you, Grace Church, for your generosity. If you write a check please make it payable to Grace Church and add “outreach” on the memo line. Thank you for any gift you are able to give. Your Outreach Committee
Conversations with Love: Pipe Organ Contemplations with Kell Julliard, 4:00 pm, Saturday, June 4, 2022, Grace Church This concert will include 12 short pieces for pipe organ plus brief contemplations on spiritual elements of the conversations they imply. Composers include Bach, Mendelssohn, Bohm, Pachelbel, Rheinberger, Vierne, and Vincent.
Rooted and rising in love: A summer solstice retreat In-Person with the Rev. Dr. Margaret Bullitt-Jonas, Tuesday, June 21 • $80 (includes lunch) – financial assistance available, 9:30 a.m. – 3:30 p.m. (registration and coffee begin at 9:00a.m.). This one-day retreat, held in the beautiful landscape of the Rolling Ridge Retreat & Conference Center in North Andover, will include a mix of presentations, small group conversations, individual reflection, and free time for contemplative wandering and prayer. Together we will explore a framework for the heart to help us become compassionate, prophetic leaders who can take up the mantle of moral leadership that this decisive moment in history requires. Register by June 10th at http://events.r20.constantcontact.com/register/event?oeidk=a07ej655d4k1f6bc931&llr=s4blzzbab
Graduations and Commencements! Are you or someone you know graduating this season? In June we will recognize all who have graduated in the last academic year, from Pre-school to Post-Doctorate at a special service. Send us the names of graduates, so we can include them in the service. If you or someone you know is going off to pursue further studies, please let us know that too. Please contact Terrie Korpita in the Parish office at 413-256-6754 or tkorpita@gracechurchamherst.org to request recognition.