Announcements 7/28/24

We are now on our summer service schedule, with one service at 9:30am.  The regular service schedule will resume on Sunday, September 8th

Celebrating 50 years of women priests  Today we celebrate the 50th anniversary of the first women being ordained as priests in the Episcopal Church. As part of our recognition of this anniversary, women clergy of our congregation will be presiding over the Eucharist together.  On July 29th, 1974, eleven women were ordained to the priesthood at the Church of the Advocate in Philadelphia. In prior years, resolutions to approve women’s ordination to the priesthood and episcopate had failed at both the 1970 and 1973 General Conventions. (General Convention is our denomination’s governing body which meets every three years.) Rather than waiting for the next convention, a group moved forward by organizing this ordination of eleven women who were already deacons, with three retired bishops presiding. Though the denomination declared their ordination “irregular” and, at the time, banned them from serving as priests, momentum in support of women’s ordination continued. Four more women were ordained to the priesthood “irregularly” in 1974, and in 1976, approval of women’s ordination finally passed (including approval for those women who had already been ordained).  We hope to provide additional opportunities for engaging with this topic in the fall, so please stay tuned!

July 28, Fourth Sunday Collection  The Outreach Commission has chosen the Amherst Survival Center to be the recipient of Grace’s fourth Sunday offering. Since 1976, the Amherst Survival Center has promoted the health and well-being of residents of Franklin and Hampshire. It provides a welcoming community where families and individuals can come for food and access to other resources. The Amherst Survival Center serves more than 6,000 people each year. All of its services are free, including a food pantry, to go community meals, fresh food distribution, a warming center with computers for those experiencing homelessness, information & referral, as well as a variety of other support services. Showers, laundry, and lockers are available for people experiencing homelessness. All of this is provided in a warm community center environment, with activities ranging from live music to sewing workshops to office hours with elected officials. All are welcome at the Survival Center. If you write a check, please make it payable to Grace Church and add “outreach” on the memo line. Thank you for any gift you are able to give.

Education for Ministry Presentation, Sunday, August 4  Next Sunday after church there will be a brief presentation in the Parish Hall about Education for Ministry (EfM) at Grace Church. This would be a good time for you to ask questions and possibly to discover if EfM is right for you.  If there are six to eight people interested, we would like to begin the seminars in September.

Porter-Phelps-Huntington Museum Presents a book talk and conversation with Carl I Hammer

“As an Heathen Man and a Publican” The Ordeal of Betsey Huntington at Forty Acres

Sunday, August 4, 2024, 2:00 PM

at Porter-Phelps-Huntington Museum 130 River Drive, Route 47, Hadley MA 01035

This presentation traces the religious life of early 19th-century Hadley through the experiences of Elizabeth (Betsey) and Dan Huntington as they navigated the evolution of their personal faith, the local church community’s response, and the resulting ex-communications and conversion to Unitarianism. Following the book talk, Carl I Hammer, will facilitate a public conversation about the legacy of these historical spiritual shifts in Connecticut River Valley. Admission for this event is free. The Porter-Phelps-Huntington Museum is located at 130 River Drive, Route 47, Hadley MA 01035. For further information please call (413) 584-4699 or visit

Summer Poetry and Prayer Zoom Gathering   Weekly poetry meditations, led by Megan over Zoom, are beginning again for the rest of the summer. Join on Mondays at 12:15 p.m., July 22nd through August 26th. Each week, we will explore one poem together and the ways it might lead us into spiritual reflection or prayer. Megan will offer a reflection on the poem and prompts to get you thinking – no previous poetry experience is necessary! There is also time to optionally share with the group. We meet for roughly 30 minutes. You are welcome to bring a lunch! The Zoom link will be sent out Monday mornings from the Grace email account. If you cannot make these gatherings live but are interested in recordings, please email Megan

The ClimateAction@Grace Committee  A big warm thank-you to all who stopped by the Creation tree at the back of the sanctuary, who added some of the actions you are already doing, and who are thinking/praying about Creation.  Stay tuned for Creation Season!

Haiti Ministry: Halfway there!  Thanks to your generosity, we are halfway to our goal! You have shared enough to fund uniforms and school supplies for 125 of 250 students. For a roundup of news from the school, check out the latest Grace Notes. And then, let’s continue the momentum. To donate, see us at coffee hour, write a check, or use the church website. $75 provides for one student; any amount is welcome. More details are at  Thank you again!

Greening Grace

What can we do as individuals to reduce our carbon footprint? We’ll be posting two ideas a week for the summer. Here are a few ideas from Greening Grace.

  • Use and reuse stainless steel or glass water bottles, rather than one- use plastic bottles.
  • Use natural ventilation and lighting when you can!

Save the Date

Joy of Living Group, 7:00-8:30 p.m., 2nd and 4th Mondays  This group combines meditation, practices integrated in the flow of life, and discussion. Next meeting, in the Connector: August 12, 2024

Nicholas Bazaar  Are you interested in antiques and/or collectibles? We’d love to have your help sorting and pricing these bazaar donations. Join us – we get lots of interesting items! Some knowledge of antiques and collectibles would be helpful. Contact Joan with any questions or to volunteer. Donations are being accepted for the bazaar, December 7, 2024. Please remember that items should be in good condition and clean. We accept many kinds of items, but please no textbooks, binders, VCR tapes, cassettes, clothing, or mildewed items. Place donations on the table near the large shelves in the undercroft. Contact Joan with any questions Thank you!