Calendar of Events
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7 events,
Bishop Search Input Meeting
Bishop Search Input Meeting
Please join fellow-parishioner Caleb Ireland, who is a member of the Bishop Search Committee in the Parish Hall next Sunday. Caleb is interested in gathering perspectives from Grace parishioners for the bishop search. Please come and share your thoughts, suggestions, and ideas. This is a great opportunity to help shape the direction of the search.
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9 events,
Lenten Book Series
Lenten Book Series
The Rt. Rev. Mariann Budde’s How We Learn to be Brave – Decisive Moments in Life and Faith Sundays at 9:15am March 9th – April 6th The decisive moments in life are those pivot points when we’re called on to push past our fears and act with strength. With How We Learn to Be Brave, Bishop […]
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Lenten Poetry Meditations
Lenten Poetry Meditations
Poems will be selected that might accompany, expand, or challenge our understandings of the Great Litany, a prayer often associated with Lent (and which we pray the first Sunday of Lent). Our gatherings begin with a reflection from Megan to help us enter the poem (no literary background needed to attend and enjoy!); the opportunity […]