Amherst’s week of WinterFest opens with a Luminaria. As part of the festivities, members of the Grace Church Choir will provide music from 5:00 - 6:00 pm in the church. Providing an opportunity for festival attendees to come in from the cold, our singers will offer a variety of choral music, including selections from the […]
Order NOW: The website to order soups for the annual Soup Extravaganza is now open! Go to Or order from Haiti ministry representatives in the Connector after services. Don’t delay! Some soups are selling out; but check for new additions. Orders will be taken on line until Monday, February 13. Delivery on the 18th […]
The season of Epiphany begins with the light of a single star and concludes with the Transfiguration of Jesus – a Messiah at full wattage, whose appearance is described as dazzling. What epiphanies have you had that have changed you? What epiphanies have you had about the person Jesus? Are there epiphanies about Jesus you […]