Parish Staff
Grace Church
14 Boltwood Avenue
Amherst, MA 01002
(413) 256-6754
Clergy & Staff
The Rev. Thomas Synan, Rector: ext. 7001
The Rev. Megan McDermott, Priest Associate: ext. 7005
Noah Horn, Director of Music: ext. 7003
Dick Damon, Organist: 413-549-3857
Terrie Korpita, Parish Administrator: ext. 7010
Jaana Cutson, Bookkeeper: ext. 7002
David Goodhind, Sexton
Wardens and Vestry
Kathy Glime, Senior Warden
Thomas Dougherty, Junior Warden
Tim Hampson, Treasurer
Libby Maxey, Clerk
Rachel Blain
Sarah Chadwick
Carolyn Collette
Cara Crandall
Donna Devine
Michael Gralenski
Patrick Kelly
Katie Schendel
Peter Sikowitz
Acolytes, Choir, Ministers & Lectors
Acolytes – Not currently being scheduled
Cara Crandall, Eucharistic Ministers & Lectors
Sheila Mammen, Altar Guild