Stewardship Commission
The Stewardship Commission designs and implements the annual invitation to the parish community to support Christ’s work in the church with their time, talent and treasure. Parishioners are responsible for the maintenance of the parish church, the support of the clergy and staff, and the outreach to the wider community. The Commission strives to inform and inspire church members to express their Christian faith by making a personal sacrifice. Our aim is to infuse the parish’s stewardship efforts with joy, thanksgiving, and recognition of the spiritual connection between the care of our souls and the care of our resources.
Chair: Bruce Stebbins (413) 549-5933
The Finance Committee reviews and makes recommendations on the annual budget, monitors monthly financial reports, and assists the treasurer in overseeing financial policies and controls.
Mark Leonas (413) 687-4425.
The Planned Giving Committee provides information on opportunities to make charitable gifts to our church through bequests, insurance, IRA’s and specific planned giving instruments (such as charitable gift annuities and charitable remainder trusts).
Doug Adler (413) 213-0195.